Git tips and tricks

Some tricks and cli tools I liked with git





Needs for this posts

You need to know how git works, you can find it here


sudo apt install lazygit

Lazygit is a lazy tool t manage your local git project.

Here is a demo of how powerfull it is! lazygit demo You can even integrate it in Neovim (quite fun!!)

Git Worktree

You have a problem to manage your branchs. You need to switch between two of them rapidly? Here is your tool.

Git Worktree permits to work on any branchs at any time. You need for that to create a Worktree, it is exactly like a clone of a unique branch.

git worktree add <path> <branch>
// It can be like that:
git clone
cd default
git worktree add ../develop develop
// here is a tree view of the files now
cd .. && tree .
├── default
│   └──
└── develop

Git flow

To install git flow simply run

sudo apt install git-flow

It is a really simple tool to manage the git flow. You can create and control needed branch like features one ect. For exemple to create a feature branch, simply run

// init at first
git flow init

// now have fun
git flow feature add documentation
//it created a branch /feature/documentation

It really is a nice tool to understand a nice way to manage your branch.